All posts by Admin

Reminders for Parents

Just a few reminders for both new and existing parents alike:

– If your child comes for a full day (9:15am – 3:15pm) please remember to send them with a packed lunch including a cold/ice pack. You are free to put any food that your child likes in their lunchbox but we do ask that you make their lunch as healthy as possible.

– Please dress your child weather appropriately for their day at Pre-school, (i.e. coats, wellies, sun hats) as we do go outside every day unless the weather is really bad. We also regularly allow the children to explore with messy materials such as paint, glue and water, therefore please dress your child in clothes which you will not mind getting a little messy!

– Please try to label your child’s coats, back packs and lunchboxes with their name so that we and the children don’t get muddled up.

– Pre-School children are entitled to access drinking water at any point during the day, therefore all children must bring in a water bottle to each session clearly labelled with their name.

– At Elworth Pre-School we understand that even children who have been toilet trained for some time can have an accident from time to time, we therefore ask that all children no matter their toilet training status brings a labelled back pack with a change of clothes in.

– If your child is unwell, please keep them off from Pre-school for this time and also for 48 hours after their last episode of illness (particularly if your child has had an upset stomach). This is ensure that the illness is not spread to staff and other children and also to make sure that your child recovers fully.

Thank you!