Monthly Archives: April 2016

Welcome to our website

Thank you for your interest in Elworth Pre-School Group!

The Pre-School has been running since 1974 and since then has provided a happy, safe and caring environment for hundreds of children.

Our aims are to:

  • Explore through play
  • Enhance learning
  • Encourage kindness

 Our Curriculum:

We recognise that each child has individual needs and interests, which we endeavour to support them to develop through interactions in their play. We observe and look for significant moments to enable them to express ideas, assist them in decision making and encourage them to enjoy learning. We facilitate opportunities to build up social skills – kindness, confidence, self-esteem and independence through the relationships with one another and the adults in the setting.

With parents/carers and staff working together we hope to provide the best possible start for the children and a firm foundation for their future learning.